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Sunday, December 31, 2006

Year end

2006 is about to end in a few hours and as I look back, many significant things happened to me mostly at work though. I didn’t have much time to deal with my personal life and I feel so guilty. I wake up for work, go home and sleep. Not much of mingling with friends and love ones. I was always exhausted after work.

I sense that the clock is ticking so loud!

Finally, I’ve resigned from work. What a relief! Many friends say that maybe Bongwan was sent by heaven to test my patience. To make me leave work so I can take care of my personal life. Well they’re right it’s about time.

Opportunities will endlessly come and go. It’s like a rubber ball that will keep on bouncing back on us. If we keep on juggling all the balls we can handle, we’ll be surprised and we are in our 50s and left with a short time to live.

For the people who know me very well, I’m a person who doesn’t want to remorse on things. I want to live my life to the fullest with the people I love the most. Memories are very valuable for me. When I get old and grey, I want to go back on these memoirs and share with my grandchildren. I’m very schmaltzy. I keep a blog and online albums. I want to have something to look back…

Leaving one’s comfort zone is difficult for many. It has always been tough for me but once I decide on it, I really go for it. Take note: Decision must come straight from you. Not to be dictated by anyone.

Quitting work is not easy as it entails a lot of “adjustments”. I’m a believer of “embracing change”. Why should I compromise my happiness for money? We need money of course, to live the way we want and buy the things we want. But if it’s the only thing that makes one hold on to their jobs, nah! If you are satisfied with what you have, life will be easy. I don’t want to work with a heavy heart. I want to be paid by being happy and love the things I’m ask to do.

All these heartaches and painful experiences must be left behind.

Tomorrow is a new year, a new beginning. Stay focus and reach your dreams. Touch people’s life and pay it forward.

Carpe Diem! ☺

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Combat Zone

Getting up for work in the morning is such a big effort for me. I'm *again* dragging myself to the office almost everyday. Argh!

I feel I am in a battlefield trying my best to survive. I couldn't sense anybody’s existence except for BWKim. This is such a humongous trial and I every minute I’ve been wanting to give up.

I couldn’t believe this kind of creature exists! It’s like a nightmare in my deepest slumber!

When can I ever be awakened?

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


This is my new Korean boss and he is such a @#$%%&^$$#! He is so sarcastic and harsh. We are all in rebellion. 530pm on the dot, everyone is gone! *hahaha* It’s like nobody wants to be left with him in the office. He’s been asking for a lot of things from us and we feel we are in the R&D division for weeks! He’s been here for like a month now and I’m on the verge of giving up. Should I?

After much thought, I decided to have a heart to heart talk with him which happened last Friday at 5pm. (so 530pm I can go…) I tend to be straight forward when I’m upset and I felt it was too much. His jaw almost dropped when I started to talk. He was speechless! *hihihi*

The next day he was like a total stranger. He was polite and very careful on what may come out of his mouth. Cool! Today, he gave me two Starbucks receipts which I appreciate a lot. I can’t wait to get hold of the most coveted planner. One more to go…

Hmm…I’m giving myself until March to decide though...

Friday, December 01, 2006


November 25 marks the day Robert and Maita exchanged vows. It was the most impressive wedding that I have attended to as of to date. I find a great significance on this event as I’ve been friends with Robert for more than 10 years now. I have witnessed many girls in his life and I am delighted that finally he found his queen. He is so lucky to have her in his life. I have high praises for Maita.

This wedding made me exultant. I was almost near to tears during the wedding march. Such a happy feeling! ☺ I saw some old friends and this made me reminisce the good ol’ days. Oh, I missed them so much and I wish Kuya Bombit was here. It should have been more memorable…

Here’s the funny part --- Xave and I did the garter and “orange” rose thingy!!! *bwahaha* I can’t wait to see the pictures *teehee* How embarrassing!!!

More pictures at
