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Sunday, June 24, 2007

Dreaming of You

DREAM (noun) a series of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.

I dreamt of this person (again!) and I’m bothered for reasons I do not know. I hate this feeling! Feeling of uncertainty. My dream seemed so real. I turned around and bumped my head on the wall beside my bed that made me wake up! Ouch!

Here are some of the things I remember. Thanks to Khryssy for the dreamer’s dictionary she gave me. Love it!

GARDEN : a well-kept neat garden but without flowers signifies an occasional brief disturbances but on the whole a comfortable life.

EMBRACE : to dream of being embraced predicts that impulsive behavior, if not controlled, will subject you to unfair criticism.

HUG : a passionate hug predicts an important change.

KISS : if the kissing is pleasant, proper, and a sincere token of affection, it predicts happiness and contentment.

WALK : a form of obstacle dream, for if you walked with ease, it signifies an easy triumph and if you walked with difficulty you will still overcome your obstacles but it will require determined effort.

HOUSE : a dream being in an empty house suggests you are grieving over a recent loss, broken relationship, or missed opportunity; don’t despair, time really does heal all things.

A friend advised me not to NURSE this but I don't know why I'm feeling this way...again?! Argh, we have decided to let go of each other already. Stop any way of communication. I (finally) made a decision and I promised so I have to stick with it.

Uhmmm, I know I shouldn't make fuss over it. This is just a DREAM. But I can't help but wonder why this happened. Is this person still thinking of me? I don't think so... Am I still thinking of this person? Hmmm... Or because of the "connection" we had before? Maybe. We had our "special moments" and that will forever remain in me.


Saturday, June 23, 2007


First day WITHOUT my notebook. *sigh* I terribly miss it! I didn’t feel like going down this morning as it has been my routine to sip my morning coffee while in front of my iBook. *sob* I had to dispose it ASAP before it depreciates a lot. I never thought someone would really want to get/buy it…I’ve already thought of giving it to my brother come October incase it would still be unsold.

My patience is being tested here. The first shipment of Leopard will be in October ’07 (faaaaar!) and I have no choice but to wait. Instead of buying a Macbook Core 2 Duo, (naaaah!) after hearing all those Macbook’s horror stories (read: overheating, burning, and shutting down) I’d rather wait PERIOD.

So now, I’m back to Windows. It’s okay though. =)

Thursday, June 21, 2007

a woman should have...

she can imagine
going back to...
and one who reminds
her how far she has come.


...enough money within her
control to move out and
rent a place of her own
even if she never wants
to or needs to...


...something perfect to wear if
the employer or date of her dreams
wants to see her in an hour...


. a youth she's content
to leave behind...

...a past juicy enough that
she's looking forward to
retelling it in her old age....


...a set of screwdrivers, a
cordless drill, and a black
lace bra...

A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE friend who always makes
her laugh ... and one who lets
her cry...


...a good piece of furniture
not previously owned by anyone
else in her family...


...eight matching plates, wine
glasses with stems, and a recipe
for a meal that will make her
guests feel honored.

...a feeling of control over
her destiny...


.how to fall in love without
losing herself...

EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW... to quit a job,
break up with a lover,
and confront a friend
without ruining the friendship...


...when to try harder ... and
when to walk away...


...that she can't change the
length of her calves, the width
of her hips, or the nature of her


...that her childhood may not
have been perfect...but its

...what she would and wouldn't
do for love or more...

EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW... to live alone... even if
she doesn't like it...


...whom she can trust,
whom she can't,
and why she shouldn't
take it personally...


...where to go...
be it to her best friend's kitchen
or a charming inn in the woods...
when her soul needs soothing...

...what she can and can't
accomplish in a day...
a month...and a year...

source: email

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Knowing Myself More...

Virgo is earthy and represents the sixth sign of the zodiac. You belong to a group of people known for their perfectionism and highly analytical minds. There's a bit of a joke about how precise and demanding Virgos are but when you think about it, what's wrong with being tidy, organised and clean? In a way, you are misunderstood and your attention to detail, your desire for excellence and hygiene is not as bad as some might think.

You have a rather unusual preoccupation of being extremely fastidious and also critical of the world. Some of the people that know you feel as if your standards are way too high to live up to. If only they knew just how critical you are of yourself! You don’t really expect any more of others than you do of yourself. And after a time those that hang out or live with you start to learn some vital lessons about the true meaning of work and achievement. This due to your high standards.

When you do express your criticism of something it's more than likely because you’ve analysed and summed up a situation correctly before acting out your thoughts. While some people might find this an annoying habit, others will never hesitate to involve you in their work. These people recognise your natural talents and will invite you onto their social scene and involve you in their personal projects, as your expertise is highly valued.

You make a wonderful impression with your skilful insights and broad-based knowledge. Simply put, you are a most interesting person to be with. When others get to know you a little more, you can be a fascinating person with all sorts of useful titbits of information.

On the most practical level you really like to do things properly, meticulously by working through the work or service you perform on a daily basis. It doesn’t matter how small or large the task, you take pride in how well you do it. You investigate things before diving in. Once you have all the information required you complete your task to the best of your ability.

Others who aren't quite as precise in the way they carry out their own work find it hard dealing with you. In your own mind there’s no point in doing anything half-heartedly. You'd rather not do it at all. You are very clear on this.

Time is also important to you. So you like to make sure you use it well. It would be unusual to find a disorganised Virgo. Keeping a diary and making lists are a favourite pastime of yours. Of course having the right pen and paper to keep your lists is just as important so a favourite hangout for some Virgos is the local stationery supply store. It sounds a little weird sure, but you do need to have the right pen to right with!

You are cautious about all manner of things from how much the food bill costs to what type of person is just right for you in your social or romantic life. You have a hawk eye and can spot an error a mile away. If that food bill is out by 5 cents you'll pick it up.

Your Virgoan antenna is sharp as a tack and you'll pay special attention to the fine detail of any subject matter. You’re also very well read and interested in a variety of topics. You consider yourself an eternal student of sorts.

Some people think you’re shy and unassuming but this is only because you cautiously like to observe and analyse people and situations before jumping to conclusions. You do have a keen intelligence and a capacity for learning but prefer to make your decisions based on sound judgments. Practical facts are preferable to naive or airy fairy beliefs according to you.

If you're born between the 24th August and 3rd September you really don’t like to be the centre of attention. You become quite embarrassed if singled out in the crowd. You'd prefer to remain anonymous. You are the quiet achiever who likes to remain in the background concentrating on getting things done right without too much hullabaloo.

If you're born between the 4th and 14th of September you bring a clear and decisive viewpoint to any matter at hand. You're a quick thinker and although you are logical in the way you live your life, you do have moments of intuition that surprise even you! Don't become too serious though!

Allow yourself to express your youthful and innocent qualities if you are born between the 15th and 23rd of September. Venus, your co-ruler adds sensuality to your character. You will always remain young and pleasure seeking. Growing old gracefully doesn’t appeal to you. Life is to be lived to the fullest.


Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Allow me to share this with you. Anele, thanks for this post. =)

LOVE spares no one. All relationships are put to the fire. There's no such thing as a constantly happy couple. There's no such thing as constantly happy relationship. All of us in one point in our affairs will have to go through a cleansing process, which hopefully will make us better persons. Let us always remember that all our relationships are put to the test to make us better persons.

Second to love, the next most important ingredient to a successful relationship is COMMUNICATION. Many would agree that there are certain things in relationship that are better kept unsaid but I don't believe in that. The moment we lie about our feelings or the wrong that we have done, we begin to build a wall of brick around ourselves. Every time we hide something out of fear, we add a brick to that wall and soon we would be total strangers to the very people we vowed to be with for the rest of our lives. We will start to hurt inside until we can no longer bear the pain. Until we regretfully give up the very relationship that we wanted to keep.

Communication is the lifeblood of any relationship. If we cannot bravely express our innermost fears, doubts and insecurities to the people we love then our ties are doom to fail sooner or later. I would rather be hurt by a person who is honest than be hurt by someone who betrayed my trust. Many couples suffer in silence because they are afraid that opening up would just make things worst. They keep their feelings to themselves. Until their affection towards other diminishes to the point were separation becomes inevitable. Remember, there is no burden so heavy that it cannot be lightened by an open, honest and peaceful exchange of thoughts and feelings. Fights are inevitable. Oftentimes we hurt those we love because we insist on protecting our own feelings. Selfishness is a poison that recklessly kills relationships. It is only when we set aside our pride, arrogance, and anger that we are able to deal with ranging emotions sensible and peacefully. There would be a lot of times when we would be tempted to think only of the things that would make us happy. Most of the time, the happiness we get from satisfying our own want is the happiness we deprive of others of. Our joy is their pain and our rise is their fall.

We understand because we listened to what each of us were trying to say. We realized what was going on because we talked about our feelings. We hurt each other badly because we both became selfish. But the pain we felt was washed away by the fact that love among all the feelings we shared still remains the strongest pillar which we have built our marriage upon. Indeed, beautiful things will always be built on the foundations of pain. We are strengthened by our adversity and by trials in our relationship.

It is not how much pain we feel that matters. What matters is that we are able to find a space in our hearts to forgive those who have hurt us. It is not how hard we have stumbled that matters. What matters is that we master enough courage to stand on our feet and try again. It does not matter if we have found love and lost it. What matters more is the joy that feeling brought us. What matters most is that we have loved at all.

Joe D' Mango

Monday, June 04, 2007

Quote for the Day

Never let someone be your priority, while allowing yourself to be just their option…