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Friday, January 23, 2009

Destress? Declutter!

I normally associate Chinese with good luck, prosperity, and fortune. I admire how hardworking they are. They have practices that some Filipinos also follow. They say, wala naman mawawala if we try. I’m sure most of you will agree. I do. *smiles*

Chinese new year is in 3 days time…

They say, to have fresh start we have to do some cleaning/cleansing and should start from within. We need to feel good about ourselves. Maybe make a confession to renew and strengthen relationship with God. We can go to spa for a massage/treatments or salon for a make over, perhaps go to doctor on dentist. Really up to you…

Then we proceed on the things that surround us, our home. Since we don’t have a house of our own yet, my hubBEE and I decided to do some cleaning in our room instead. We worked on the interiors, rearranged the bed and table. I sorted my clothes according to style and colors. We kept stuffs on our table to minimum and removed things that accumulate dusts. I declutter stuffs in my closet and disposed clothes/shoes I rarely use and give to charity.

In general, learn to let go. --- the baggages in the past (forgive and forget), or things you find less or no use anymore. Share and donate. You’ll be surprised how helpful these would be to others.

To declutter is really a perfect way to destress! I feel so good! ☺☺☺

You still have a couple of days to go, what are u waiting for? Go! *smiles*

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Here I go again...Tsk!

Thanks for these, BEE! Well, I actually bought these and asked him to pay. *wink* Thanks for those who responded on my previous post, Miniminiminimoe! Big help.

Here’s what I got:

I want to say I'm more organized now. *hehehe*

Uhm, looking at this photo lightens me up. I’m liking all colors! Waaa! Enough, Tammy, enough!

Heaven. *hahaha*

Disclaimer: For those who haven't tried, do not attempt. It's addicting, believe me!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Don't Ask Them For Promises...

If you love someone, ask them for nothing.

Don’t hold them back from their destiny.

Don’t keep them from going off in search of their own answers.

Don’t ask them for commitment.
You will know commitment is real when it is something given willingly and not as something obligatory.

Don’t ask them for promises.

If you are patient, if you have faith, you will know in your heart when the right time for promises has come.

And when that time arrives,
Then you will see that you have both lost nothing by setting each other free,
And have instead gained a richer, fuller life,
A wealth of experiences,
And a stronger certainty of your desires.

But should they not return to you,
Then life hasn’t cheated you because no promises were broken.
Your bitterness will not last long,
And you will feel thankful and blessed that at the very least,
This beautiful soul has colored your life,
That knowing them has already made life infinitely more meaningful.

By setting a person free,
You run a risk of them not returning.
But always remember that you found them beautiful precisely because they were free.
People are like sunlight. You can feel their warmth, and their glow,
But you can’t hold them in your hand and keep them with you forever.

People CHOOSE to stay.

But a choice is made more meaningful when it is made despite so many other options.

Love has no restrictions and it is through mistakes that sometimes we see the right answer.

Because if you love someone,
You ask them for nothing
And they will come back to you.

Imagine. LOL

This is my 2nd day of working from home and my internet is sluggish specially when using my company laptop. With my Macbook, everything is a breeze! You think, the problem is the laptop? I do, sigh…

My other laptop has been downloading emails since 930am. 4 hours after, its downloading the same email. Ugh!

So, to keep me busy I did my usual rounds of blogs and saw this:

I wonder if this will be a hit in Manila and if response would be atleast half as good in Japan.

The world has gone crazy…LOL.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Girl Bonding

A day before workweek, I together with my SILs and MIL trooped to Nail Tropics Eastwood for some pampering. *woohoo*

Khryssy had her mani/pedicure with nail art on her 2 big toes.

Amae had her usual nail art on all of her toes while MIL, (hmm, I better start calling her Mama. It's been almost a year and I still call her Tita *slaps forehead*) on the other hand, had her footspa, mani/pedicure and would you believe, nail art too! *cool*

I had my footspa, mani/pedicure. I never grow my nails. They get brittle easily and I end up cutting them short most of the time. So, I thought of trying acrylic nails for that instant oomph! *haha*

Yikes, look at my eyes! *hahaha* Ambiance and music was sooo relaxing. I was trying so hard not to doze off. I wanted to see how this thing is being done. Reason why my eyes were like that…*hehehe*

They say this will last for 3-4wks then, I can just have it refilled.

My nails after a week...

I was uneasy at first but was able to get used to it later on. Try it and you'll be hooked! *haha* I love it! ☺☺☺

Saturday, January 10, 2009


The family breaks up when the Daddy and Mommy split… How do you avoid that? How do you keep marriage together, from this day forward; for richer, for poorer; for better, for worse; in sickness and in health; until death do us part?

James B. Reuter of The Philippine STAR suggests 6 resolutions which come from the Holy Catholic Apostolic Church that is fiercely interested in the stability of the home, and which has 2000 years of experience, with all kinds of people, all over the face of earth.

Here you go…

1. Let not the sun go down on your anger.
It is not easy to make up with words, especially when you are emotionally upset. I think that this means: the husband should make a great resolution that for the rest of his life, he will always kiss his wife good-night.

And the resolution of the wife must be: she will never turn away.

2. When husband and wife quarrel, as soon as the man can talk, he should say: “I’m sorry!”

3. Pray together.
Father Patrick Peyton was saying, for the last 60 years: “The family that prays together, stays together”, and this is true!

4. Weekly Mass and Communion, together.
The best prayer is the Mass.

5. One bank account.
Whatever unites husband and wife is good…Whatever divides them is bad…And the most divisive force in all this world is money.

They need not have one physical bank account. They could have varied placements. But the husband should not have any money that the wife does not know about. And the wife should not have any funds that the husband does not know about. They should own everything together.

If you cannot trust the one you love with money, you should never have married. Marriage must be a total investment! All that you have, and all that you are!

6. Never alone, with any other partner.
When the man marries, on his wedding day he should make a great resolution that he will never go out alone with any woman, except his wife.

Do you guys agree? I do.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009


2008 was an excellent year for me. God has been so good! I got a new job, was engaged and married the guy I can’t imagine my life without. The best decision I have ever made my whole life! 2 months to go and we’ll celebrate our anniversary. Hint hint hint!

Today marks my 1st year in DELL. How time flies so fast! I’m so grateful to be part of this company. I’m not saying life is easier here, it’s a big NO. Everyday I face new challenges, running against time and chasing numbers. Believe me when I say it’s not easy. Nevertheless, I’m thankful to have a job specially these time that every country is experiencing turmoil.

2009 is the time to count our blessings very well.

Friday, January 02, 2009


To my dear mother-in-law,
Mommy Melvi

Happy Birthday!

Wish you all the best.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Prayer for the New Year

O God of new beginnings and wonderful surprises,
thank you for the gift of a new year.
May it be a time of grace for us,
a time to grow in faith and love,
a time to renew our commitment to following Your Son, Jesus.

May it be a year of blessing for us,
a time to cherish our families and friends,
a time to renew our efforts at work,
a time to embrace our faith more fully.

Walk with us, please, in every day and every hour of this new year,
that the light of Christ might shine through us,
in spite of our weaknesses and failings.
Above all, may I remember this year that we are pilgrims on the sacred path to you.


Happy 2009 everyone!

Here’s our photo taken on the eve of new year. Our 1st new year TWOgether. *wink* It has always been a tradition for us to wear red and funny hats. *heehee*