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Wednesday, July 29, 2009


It’s depressing to hear appalling news especially about babies.

Yesterday, a newborn baby was left in a delivery van. Baby was inside a black unzipped bag with a letter and instruction that the baby to be brought to DSWD…My heart was in extreme anger.

It was in the news tonight that conjoined twins were born. Two heads in one body with individual vital organs however, not fully developed. Miracle is needed for the twins to survive.

I love babies. When I was a child, I carried my 3 brothers without mom knowing. They were newborns then. I love my nephews and nieces. Babies melt my heart.

How can some people be heartless?

Sunday, July 19, 2009


I’m such a make up junkie! I have this problem of hoarding stuffs then realizing later on I have bunch of unused items. Can't use them all the same time, haha!

Overtime, I was able to collect MAC products and full size MAC brushes. I was addicted to them! Spent so much money on MAC! GOSH.

Then, I’ve heard of mineral make up (MMU). They say MMU make skin breathe, heal and glow. Tried quite a number of brands. But my problem remains. I’m allergic to brush cleaners. Therefore, I cannot use loose MMU since they require brushes for application.

I went back to my MAC and sponge. Sometimes I use sponge to apply my MMU. This works for now…

...Until I found a new love…

So, watch this page and my Multiply.

I’m going to ditch some stuffs that might be more useful to others.

NOTE: 90% MAC products for as low as 600 pesos!!!

Hmm, how’s that price for MAC at 80-90% product left; either used twice/trice and few items limited edition and not available in Philippines?

Definitely a STEAL!

I will post photos and prices in a couple of days.

UPDATE: Click here to see items for sale.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I wish to witness a miracle.

Someone very close to us had to undergo a major operation. A tumor was removed from her and was said to be malignant. We prayed so hard --- to our dear God, Mama Mary and St. Pio of Pietrelcina. We tried to prepare ourselves --- accept, let go and let God.

Today, (2wks after) our prayers were heard once again.

Miracles do happen! Today I officially witnessed a miracle.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Mara is getting bigger

Do you remember my niece Mara? She's now big! Cutie pics to share.

*click photos to enlarge*

Check Mara's video on my Facebook. *smiles*

Photos courtesy of my cousin, Maya.

P.S. Today is my Dad's 17th death anniversary. I offered mass for him in St. Pio. I terribly miss him. Love you Daddy!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Thursday, July 09, 2009

"Talk to Me" - God

I owe it to my dear parents that they taught me how to pray. Since then, I say my prayers before going to bed. I pray when I’m sad and weak. I pray harder when I’m happy and strong. I pray hardest when I need help and guidance for a major decision.

I strongly believe that my ex-boyfriend turned husband was a divine gift from God. I’ve said this many times in this blog. It never fails to give me goosebumps everytime I think about our journey as a couple. He’s perfect for me. God indeed was thinking about me when He created Xave.

Me and my husband has gone this far mainly because we pray together, always. 11 years ago, we had our novenas in St. Jude (near Malacanang). Can’t remember what our intentions were. We used to go there weekly and distributed novena letters for everyone.

Sometime like 5 years ago, we also visited Baclaran with our friends. We went there weekly for many years.

For 3 months now, we do regular visits to St. Pio of Pietrelcina. We pray the novena daily. If we can’t visit St. Pio, we pray together before going to bed. If we are not together and he’s in the farm we pray at the same time. *smiles*

I’m sure this came as a surprise for most of you…

I’m not pious and definitely not perfect but I fear God. I’m lucky that my husband is a God-fearing man. My #1 ‘essential’ I prayed for God to give me (for a BF/husband).

He heard my prayers. My husband fills the empty spaces between my fingers. (awwww! cheesy! but true.)

Allow me to share with you a very moving experience of a very prominent TV journalist. Read the article here.

We haven’t received any miracle from St. Pio yet, but we BELIEVE in him. We spread stories and miracles (we read and heard) about him to our family, friends and strangers.

Good night people. Help us influence more people to PRAY and talk to God.It's never too late...

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Happy Birthday BEE!

It was Xave’s birthday yesterday. Since we do not want to bother MIL to do the preps for us, we made it a simple celebration. We just bought cooked foods from different restaurants and served to our guests. We invited our closest friends only. Had dinner together (they were all on time!) and laughed in between booze.

It was a simple yet blissful gathering. Love it!

Again, happy 28th birthday dear HubBEE! I love you.

P.S. Sorry, no photos. I totally forgot about my camera...

Saturday, July 04, 2009

All's Swell That Ends Well

It’s been a week since we were away from home, a week of emotional turmoil for all of us; full of uncertainties. Being a bit tough that I am, I was surprised to shed tears one night while staring at the blank space. Hubby had to hold my hand to keep me calm. Prayers have been our source of strength as always. Hope everything will be fine. Can't elaborate more...

On the other note, I’m glad to witness ‘reconciliation’ among people. Just one day, everything was forgiven/forgotten and hearts suddenly connected once more. Felt like big torns were literally removed from everyone’s chests.

It’s no secret that DH and BIL had some misunderstandings way back. The entire familia actually got involved.

It was because of this lady parasite that caused much trouble in the family. God has his ways of turning the events 360 degrees! If it’s really meant, nothing is impossible to Him. Who on earth can imagine that she will be out of our lives COMPLETELY and PERMANENTLY.

No one.

Now, the leech has deserted herself in the desert with the camels! LOL

Oh dear, I’ve promised I will refrain from posting nega on this blog. So, moving on…

Let me end this post by sharing with you the 7 Tools of Happiness by Bo Sanchez:

1. Happy people create their destiny
2. Happy people like themselves a lot
3. Happy people nurture connections
4. Happy people find delight everywhere
5. Happy people embrace change
6. Happy people trust deeply
7. Happy people work their purpose daily

Be happy, stay happy. Enjoy life!