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Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Sy family mantra

I would like to share an excerpt from the article written by Elizabeth L. Sanchez of PDI, published September 5, 2004

Henry Sy’s Daughter shares Dad’s story and 14 Principles

I will go straight to principle #8 which struck me.

8. Recognize opportunity. It is one thing to see opportunity, another to do something about it. When opportunity comes, you should be ready to react, otherwise it goes to someone else. Opportunity does not always come knocking. You’ve got to go out and look for it. Take stock of your assets, talents and resources. Pick the best opportunity you see and take it as far as you can. Don’t stop until you have done everything you can do to make it happen. What others would consider as luck is a combination of opportunity knocking and being ready for it.

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