I have fond memories of Christmas specially when I was a kid. I get giddy every start of “Ber” months, which is in September. I usually do my ‘research’ of what gifts to ask from my parents and of course, Santa Clause. Yes, I believe in Santa and will always do. *wink*
Would you believe that I started writing to Santa even before I learned how to write? I remember Daddy holding my hands as I scribble the letters to come up with words to complete a sentence. *heehee* My letter always starts with “Dear Santa…” and ends with “I’ve been a good girl this year”. *hahaha* In the middle, I ask for what I want for Christmas. Many times, I asked for Barbie dolls and lots of chocolates! *smiles* Whatever I ask, Santa gives *beams* and this privilege happens only once a year. *wink*
Middle of December, my brothers and myself will rummage through our Daddy’s closet to get the oldest and biggest tennis socks we can use. Socks should always be 4. For myself and my 3 brothers.
We put our letters inside the socks and hang them outside our windows. This made us so thrilled to wake up early morning of Christmas day to see if our socks are filled up with chocolates and the gifts we’ve been meaning to have. It was always a success year on year! *hahaha* Then we all go to church together.
I’m blessed to have happy childhood memories. Reason why I try my very best to instill good ones to my ‘pamangkins’ on my own special way…
Would you believe that I started writing to Santa even before I learned how to write? I remember Daddy holding my hands as I scribble the letters to come up with words to complete a sentence. *heehee* My letter always starts with “Dear Santa…” and ends with “I’ve been a good girl this year”. *hahaha* In the middle, I ask for what I want for Christmas. Many times, I asked for Barbie dolls and lots of chocolates! *smiles* Whatever I ask, Santa gives *beams* and this privilege happens only once a year. *wink*

I’m blessed to have happy childhood memories. Reason why I try my very best to instill good ones to my ‘pamangkins’ on my own special way…
Merry Christmas! ☺☺☺
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