Tammy, the shape of your hand reveals that you are especially
Good at Listening to your Heart
The signs we read in your palm indicate you have much to gain by listening to your intuition when making decisions — even if it doesn't seem rational. By putting directed energy toward the wisdom of your heart, your efforts will be returned multi-fold.
THE LINES OF YOUR PALMPalmists can learn a substantial amount from the lines of your palm. The four major lines are your Life Line, Head Line, Heart Line, and Destiny Line. From your Life Line, a palmist can tell what your general approach to life is and how you deal with life's challenges. Your Head Line reveals how you process information and think through problems. Your Heart Line can give a palmist insight into your personal relationships, including friends, family, and significant other(s). Your Destiny Line pertains to changes in your personal drive and focus over time. In addition, a palmist can read some of the lesser lines — if they are present in your palm — for information on your level of creativity, communication skill, and attachments you may have or will have with others throughout your life.
LIFE LINEThe Life Line reveals your approach to life and how you handle uncertainty or hardship. It is a common misconception that the Life Line can tell you when you will die. Even persons with relatively short Life Lines can live a long life. Generally, the information that can be gleaned from your Life Line pertains to your overall outlook and the ease with which you will travel through your life.

You have a natural ability to show your love and sympathy for others. You are generally supportive when friends or family come to you for assistance.
One of the most important things to you in life is to make sure that you are living your life to its fullest. When you have regrets, they are likely to stem from a sense of not having done enough or wishing that you had done something differently.
When you are confronted with difficulties in life, you may sometimes have trouble expressing yourself. With this challenge, it is hard to ask for help when you really need it.
HEAD LINEThe Head Line reveals how you process information and think through problems. It is a common misconception that the Head Line can tell you how intelligent you are. Persons with various styles of Head Lines can be very smart, but in different ways. Primarily, the information that can be gathered from your Head Line pertains to your particular way of understanding the information you come into contact with throughout your life.

When it comes to leadership, you are probably quite comfortable in either the role of the leader or the follower. Since taking charge is not necessarily something you covet, you are usually fine with stepping aside to let someone else take the lead. However, if no one else steps up, you know you are capable of taking on the leader role.
Your thought process tends to be based on intuition. You probably enjoy letting your imagination get the best of you during your decision-making process, and you may lean on some psychic abilities. Your knack to draw on your intuition may leave others feeling lost or confused about your thought process.
You can enjoy a wide range of projects and may possess an array of problem solving skills. However, the intensity of your ability to focus or concentrate can widely vary, depending on what you are doing.
When you have a choice, you'd probably rather research and investigate multiple options simultaneously. You are likely a master multi-tasker who enjoys having many balls in the air at the same time.
HEART LINEThe Heart Line reveals how you handle the relationships in your life and how comfortable you are with intimacy. It is a common misconception that the Heart Line can tell you definitively what relationships you will have in the future. On average, the information that can be collected from your Heart Line indicates the influences in your life that have in the past or will in the future affect your personal relationships, including friends, family, and significant other(s).

Your ability to be intimate with others may be influenced by a lack of commitment. You may find it difficult to make emotional promises, even if you are married. People you don't know well may find you somewhat distant.
In a tight knit relationship, you tend to be an independent person with a calm and cool disposition. Your ideal life mate will likely prize you for your loyalty and practicality. At times, you may find that you get yourself into trouble in your relationships by being too isolated and inattentive.
I can't post everything here...it will take me the entire day to do it. *hahaha* Believe me the result is loooong! There are more lines to interpret like Destiny line, Apollo line, Mercury line to name a few. However, I do not have all these other lines so no need to post it here though having no lines has some interpretations, too.
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