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Monday, January 14, 2008

What the....?

I left home quarter to 9am. I was at the building a few minutes before 9 and I noticed I was the first one to park on our slots, which means, I’m an early bird! True enough, when I reached our floor I’m all-alone in our work area. The rest might be still snoring or maybe singing in their showers. *hahaha*

Around past 10, people are starting to come in and listen up peeps, some of them were in JEANS! *grrr* I realized, there is no dress code in our office! Wear anything you desire as long as you can bear the freezing temperature inside. (Our air conditioners are in full blast all the time) Last night I was almost torturing myself on what to wear today and people in jeans will welcome me just like that? Sigh…

So, tomorrow will be a dress down day for me! *wink* Also, why do I have to be that early in the office? I still don’t have my laptop anyway. I can just go and leave the office anytime except if I have meetings or concalls.

Nice set up, isn’t it? You don’t have to be in the office 5 times a week, 8 hours a day for people to know you that are actually working hard. Figure talks. At the end of the month, you should deliver regardless if you just show up once a week. *beams*

Time to watch news on TV.

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