Here’s my new year pressie that came to our mailbox on the eve of new year.

It’s just so nice to start 2008 right. *wink*
2007 was a good year and I’m looking forward for a better 2008 not just for me but for my family and friends.
I’m determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may be. For I have learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and NOT upon our circumstances.
Be positive. I always believe that a strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug. By changing the inner attitudes of our minds can change the outer aspects of our lives.
Have faith. There's always a reason behind all things, yes ALL THINGS! *wink* You just have to patiently wait for the right time and answers will eventually unfold right before you.
For many times, I've been a witness of this and as much as possible I want other people to strengthen their faith, too. My small way of repaying the good deeds that are coming my way.
It’s just so nice to start 2008 right. *wink*
2007 was a good year and I’m looking forward for a better 2008 not just for me but for my family and friends.
I’m determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may be. For I have learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and NOT upon our circumstances.
Be positive. I always believe that a strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug. By changing the inner attitudes of our minds can change the outer aspects of our lives.
Have faith. There's always a reason behind all things, yes ALL THINGS! *wink* You just have to patiently wait for the right time and answers will eventually unfold right before you.
For many times, I've been a witness of this and as much as possible I want other people to strengthen their faith, too. My small way of repaying the good deeds that are coming my way.
Congratulations Tammy! 2008 is really looking spectacular for you. =)
Btw, I know you are super busy but I need to ask you something. I will likely message you on Friendster or Multiply but I need to go back to Barcelona first.
alright. email me,
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