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Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Now, let’s proceed to eye shadows.

Yes, it was my HubBEE who did the depotting for me since it requires heat to complete the entire process, etc. etc. a bit complex reason why he volunteered to do it instead. *beams* That's what you call supportive husband! *haha*

HubBEE in the process of depotting my eyeshadows
The paper on your left is where I've written the sequence of colors of my eyeshadows which served as a guide for HubBEE on how to place them in the palette. It has to be from light, medium to dark and top, middle to bottom. *teehee*

HubBEE done with the 2nd pan, Vanilla. 7 more to go...

I still have 4 more spaces to fill in. HubBEE couldn't understand why I never buy everything in one go to complete this palette. I simply want to get the right colors that suit me and more importantly, colors that I will really use. *wink* Not to mention the combination that I have to take into consideration, too. *haha* So impulsive buying is not a good way to complete your eyeshadow collection in my humble opinion. *smiles*

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