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Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Live And Let Go

Whether it's love or a job, its good to get a grip and just as important to loosen it.

Sure, it's apealing to hold on to something with near-martyr determination. But sometimes the wisest move in the growing up game is to walk away from the board. In my quest to find the best live-life-to-the-fullest strategy, I often resort to techniques I had been trained to use in childhood: try and try until you succeed. Everyone loves a never-say die kind of girl, but how can you even enjoy all the adoration when you've just about killed yourself trying? Whether it's a job, a relationship gone sour, or pants that no longer fit, I keep in mind that I always have the option to turn away from it. In other words, try something else. Something different.

Growing up, I don't remember ever hearing this kind of advice. I don't recall being told to "quit and try something else". But I personally believe that when a door closes, more windows will be opened. True enough, leaving my previous job opened me to more opportunities. One is a chance to start my own business which I never thought would be possible at this early stage of my life. Though I'd still love to go back to the corporate world, I would prefer a consumer industry this time. Again, this is a different story.=)

Applying the same principle to relationships, a friend once confessed that she was no longer happy with her long time boyfriend. When I told her to leave him, she stiffened and reasoned that they had been through so much as a couple and sayang naman if she didn't make it work. I wanted to say that it wasn't working already. But the lessons that stay with me are the ones I learn on my own. If I'm not happy, I don't gag myself with the guilt if I end the relationship. If a guy no longer moves me, why not call it quits and move on?

All this, of course, easier said than done. After all, the whole act of letting go without breaking apart is a dissertation on its own. I always keep in mind that life is not one straight tightrope that I have to keep walking. The more roads I travel, the more divergent they are, the more I experience out of life. It's better to experience as much as you can. Be fearless!(except to God, of course) Saying bye-bye to something or someone may be a bitch, but it can also be the best thing you can do for yourself.

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