Today, I woke up at the wrong side of bed. I feel so grumpy, I don’t wanna get out of bed, I don’t wanna go to work but I still did. At work, I feel so heavy and was dragging myself to do stuffs. Being a Virgo that I am, I cannot force myself to do things I don’t feel like doing. I find it hard to PRETEND. My friends say, I won’t make a good actress *haha* and I strongly agree! I’m so transparent. If I don’t like you, you will feel it in your spine, in your bones, in your head, in your heart in all of you. *wicked sistah*
Xave knows me inside out. Oftentimes, he knows me better than I do. He knows how to handle me very well, and I love him for that. He fully grasps on how I can go freaky and cranky at one time and the opposite the next minute. *heehee* Yes, I am indeed crazy especially during my red days. *over sharing* This hormone thing, he understands.
My mood was reflected in today’s weather. At 12 noon, I heard some thunders and I thought it was raining outside. The sun in its peak despite the loud rumbles up there surprised me. Strange isn’t it? *like moi today* Around 3pm it rained so hard while the sun is still up. I can even feel its rays piercing my left cheek while driving home. Oooppss! *slip of the tongue, errr fingers* Yes, I left the office early. *blushing*
P.S. Happy birthday to my dear friend, Len E. Mare, wish you all the best this world can offer + a bonus, Mr. Right. *mwah*
Heya, hope you are feeling better. Despite this not-so-cheerful entry, I still like reading your blog because I think it is very light and hopeful. =)
Thanks for the note Jeng! =)
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