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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Best Things in Life Are FREE

I’m tired and lacking enough sleep. My very hyper new boss (Catherine) left for Penang already. It was a shock to know that she is actually so full of energy! Listening to her is a bit tiring because she tends to be always in a hurry. Oh well, enough of angst. Here is my happy list. I listed down the things which make me happy and are free. Or at least, with a negligible price tag.

1. things falling on its proper places
2. long talks with good friends
3. seeing my loved ones happy, smiling and laughing
4. simply being with BEE
5. sleeping 8 – 10 hours straight
6. a sincere compliment
7. word of appreciation for a job well done
8. “me” time
9. facial, hair cut, treatment, paraffin, pedi/manicure, spa
10. beach, pool, lake, any form of water
11. going places
12. going back to my hometown (brings back memories)
13. staying for a week at the farm
14. stars and moon
15. summer time
16. smell of coffee/ coffee in the morning
17. snuggling into freshly laundered bedsheets
18. hotel bed and pillows
19. clean and dry washroom/bathroom
20. no work (holidays!)
21. a cold shower after a hot, humid summer day
22. day dreaming with BEE *smiles*
23. hello kitty
24. anything in PINK
25. answered prayers
26. changing into Havaianas after wearing high heels
27. food trip
28. laughing out loud
29. a nice massage
30. writing in my journal (blog) and reading past entries

And more!

What's yours? *smiles*

Monday, January 28, 2008

Heart's Day

Valentine’s is around the corner. I won’t be here in Manila during this special day. I won’t be receiving flowers and chocolates for the first time in many years! *pout*

I will be celebrating this day with friends from Malaysia instead and away from Xave. *sob* I simply cannot imagine to be away...1st time in 10 years!

Anyhoooo, advance happy valentine’s day folks!

P.S. Today is our 9th year and 10 months anniversary. *smiles*

Sunday, January 27, 2008

I Want to Meet Him

Almost 15 minutes but very worth watching.

I’m a die hard fan of Steve Jobs. He is such a genius! I hope to meet him someday. *wink*

Three stories from the man behind Apple’s success:

1. Again, you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something --- you gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.

2. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don’t settle.

3. Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma --- which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

Credit: cocoyandpopoy

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Shoe-fiend + Bag-addict = ???

For the longest time Xave has been a Ferragamo fan. He has 3 pairs already used during highschool and college days and college graduation. They really stood the test of time that’s why I can’t blame Xave to be a loyal fan of this brand.

Xave is again thinking of getting a new pair for our big day. However, looking at Ferragamo’s styles now I feel nothing has changed. Everything looks the same 10 to 15 years back. No innovation. I’m not happy, same goes with my H2B (read: hubby to bee).

Today, I brought him to the money-spending place in the metro--- Greenbelt 4! He hates going there because I keep on burning time and money on the shops there most especially in the House of Monogram. But I always say, anything there is good investment. (think: quality, lifetime warranty, you can pass stuffs on to your great grand children, plus birthday cards they send right at our home. *smiles* Oh yeah, justify-justify! *wink*

I used to get 20% discount on all shops in Rustan’s (except cosmetics) and Greenbelt 4 (except LV) through a friend working for Stores Specialist. It saddens me to find out that she left already for a publication company and that made me think that we have to pay 100% of the shoes' tag price. Ugh!

Anyhooooo to make the long story short, Xave was convinced to get this pair and we got it on sale! *woohoo*

Oh gawd, this is frightening...What happens when a bag-addict meets a shoe-fiend? Uh-oh… G.A.S.T.O.S!

P.S. Balenciaga soon to open in Greenbelt 5! *faints*

Friday, January 25, 2008

Thoughts in Bullets

• It’s Friday and I’m home early.
• Red flag and I’m sluggish. Isn’t it obvious on the way I do my blog now?
• I want Ruffles and chocolates but had Hainanese chicken for dinner.
• I’m tired of driving. I wish I could fly to and from my destinations.
• I need a good massage.
• I want to have another hand and foot paraffin session.
• I can’t wait to have my facial --- super long overdue!
• I want to get rid of my braces soonest possible time.
• I like to go to the beach and have a nice tan. I look so white and pale already. I want color on my skin.
• I can’t wait for summer vacation.
• I want another Longchamp this time hmmm, I want it large and in dark color.
• Can’t wait for my Malaysia trip. Zara, Mango at 20% cheaper! Woohoo!
• I need a belt.
• I want a pair of red shoes.
• I need a big and tight hug.
• I just want to be in bed and read a good book.
• That’s why I have to end this (non-sense) post and stop wasting time of my readers. *heehee*

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Bedtime Books

Having an office in Eastwood sometimes has advantages and disadvantages. I am accessible to almost anything and everything (shops, restos, salons, bars, coffee shops, et. al) and that means spending more! *sobs*

My loot for today:

I've been reading a lot of good reviews about this author, Mitch Albom. I really have to catch up on my reading. Hmm, is that part of my new year's resolution? *heehee* I've heard Tuesdays with Morrie has a play in Greenhills if I'm not mistaken... I would like to see it with Xave soon. Let me finish the book first. *smiles*

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Struggling Me

I’m on my 3rd week at work. So far, so good. My new GM boss from Malaysia will be in the country next week and that means my schedule would be crazy. I’m excited though. *wink* 3wks is more than enough for self-study. I need some real training. *heehee*

On the other note…

I’m missing a lot of things! Top of my list is my personal laptop and most of its features:

1. pristine white look
2. two-finger scroll
3. expose/spaces
4. soft keys
5. spotlight

I hate:

1. windows endlessly popping up on my screen
2. slow booth up
3. lots and tons of folders
4. downloading stuffs and not seeing where they went
5. windows, period.

I’ve been using Windows all my life. I’ve switched to Mac for almost 2 years only, and yet I’m having hard time adjusting to Windows environment again. (read: struggle) I don’t know why…maybe because Mac is easier to use than Windows. Everyday, I feel I’m faced with a monster which is my new Dell laptop. Sigh…

Thursday, January 17, 2008

MacBook Air

The Macbook Air is out!

Steve Jobs never fails to impress us! He is such a genius, isn’t he?


- weight: 3lbs.
- 13.3 inch full display
- 1.6 Ghz or 1.8 Ghz Core 2 Duo
- 2gb RAM
- 80gb HDD
- Intel GMA X3100 graphics processor
- 802.11n wireless technology
- built-in iSight camera
- no optical drive, so you have to buy the external optical drive for $99

So are you guys thinking of getting one?

At the price of $1799, I probably won’t…the specs is actually lower than the Macbook out in the market including mine after the upgrade in RAM. But I love the aesthetic part of it! So sleek and sexy! *whistles*

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Breathe in, breathe out.

I’m a bit worried errr, terrified as we have a few weeks left before our big day and we still have a number of things to do. Sigh…

What’s giving me jitters is the fact that I have to be out of the country for training for a month! That means, a month of NOT doing any planning and leaving EVERYTHING with Xave. He promised to take care of all the pending though but still, I would want to be in the loop more so very much involved. Oh my, I’m thinking of letting this training pass and attend the next one instead but we still do not know when will be the next schedule of training as it is done by batches however still depending on the number of participants.

I have a long list of ‘To Dos’ in my mind running now. I’m beginning to panic! Waaaaaa! I can't sleep, I can't move.

Breathe in, breathe out!

Monday, January 14, 2008

What the....?

I left home quarter to 9am. I was at the building a few minutes before 9 and I noticed I was the first one to park on our slots, which means, I’m an early bird! True enough, when I reached our floor I’m all-alone in our work area. The rest might be still snoring or maybe singing in their showers. *hahaha*

Around past 10, people are starting to come in and listen up peeps, some of them were in JEANS! *grrr* I realized, there is no dress code in our office! Wear anything you desire as long as you can bear the freezing temperature inside. (Our air conditioners are in full blast all the time) Last night I was almost torturing myself on what to wear today and people in jeans will welcome me just like that? Sigh…

So, tomorrow will be a dress down day for me! *wink* Also, why do I have to be that early in the office? I still don’t have my laptop anyway. I can just go and leave the office anytime except if I have meetings or concalls.

Nice set up, isn’t it? You don’t have to be in the office 5 times a week, 8 hours a day for people to know you that are actually working hard. Figure talks. At the end of the month, you should deliver regardless if you just show up once a week. *beams*

Time to watch news on TV.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Thought Balloon

It’s Sunday once again and tomorrow is another Monday…back to work!

I’m staring at my closet and thinking of what to wear tomorrow. I usually think of my work clothes at least a night before if not for the entire week. (I list them down actually) I would want to have a wardrobe plan if I may call it that way. Why?

Every single minute counts! I habitually spend too much time on changing clothes one or two times before I hit the right one and for me that is waste of time and worst, I end up late in the office. I want to kick some bad habits and be organized (see my new year resolution #7). *teehee*

Now going back to my closet, I see a lot of stuffs in there but I can’t pick anything. *guffaw* I realized, I have so many things ignored and still hanging in there eating a bunch of space. Uh-oh, I need to de-clutter and probably give away things I never touched for eons now. Believe me, I have a lot! Umm, (thinking again) de-cluttering will make my closet eventually be emptied! *hahaha* So, going on shopping can be justified, don’t u think so? *wink* It’s 2008 anyway. I can’t even remember when was the last time I shopped for work clothes. Am I breaking my new year resolution #4? *hahaha* Please say "NO"!

Moving forward, I can’t wait to have my new closet, hopefully a walk-in one in my new room errr, our new room in our very own new place with my dream bathroom. *haha* This is exciting! *giggles*

Uh-oh, it’s almost 10pm and I’m stuck here hallucinating! *muwahaha* I have to rummage through my closet now if I want to have longer slumber tonight. (Getting up in the morning is just hard to do!) There must be something in there that would be great for tomorrow, at least.

I hope you guys spent your weekend wisely! Good night peeps!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

When God Made You

It's always been a mystery to me
How two hearts can come together
And love can last forever
But now that I have found you, I believe
That a miracle has come
When God sends the perfect one

Now gone are all my questions about why
And I've never been so sure of anything in my life

I wonder what God was thinking
When He created you
I wonder if He knew everything I would need
Because He made all my dreams come true
When God made you
He must have been thinking about me

I promise that wherever you may go
Wherever life may lead you
With all my heart I'll be there too
From this moment on I want you to know
I'll let nothing come between us
I'll love what ever you love

He made the sun He made the moon
to harmonise in perfect tune
One can't move without the other
They just have to be together
And that is why I know it's true
You're for me and I'm for you
Cause my world just can't be right
Without you in my life

I wonder what God was thinking
When He created you
I wonder if He knew everything I would need
Because He made all my dreams come true
He must have heard every prayer I've been praying
Yes, He knew everything I would need
When God made you
When dreams come true
When God made you
He must have been thinking about me

Thursday, January 10, 2008


It is so unbelievable how people can be so rubbish and others be excessively stupid.

A person endlessly cheating a number of people. A lot of past and surprisingly a number of present, too!

Continually breaking hearts.
Persistently giving false hopes.
Continuously benefiting from each of them. (what benefits, DO NOT ask me!)
Ceaselessly searching for new hearts to smash or perhaps lives to shatter.

And yet, still have the conscience to umm, hear mass?

How come after all these nuisances, he/she can still manage to do intolerable things to these people he/she claims he/she loves so dearly. I’m totally confused now. Who among them is for keeps? Yes, I am not using between. If you know your grammar, you know what I mean. *wink*

I’m just so blessed to be marrying a guy with good upbringing and character, who is God-fearing and has high respects not only to people but to me most specially. Who honestly loves me and never hurts me (physically, emotionally and mentally). Oh dear God, thank you very much for this gift! Please have more Xave in this planet! *hehehe*

I just have to blurt this out! Recently, I find many things offensive already. I want to close my eyes and pretend to be mute, deaf and blind! But I can't!!! *argh!* That's why blogs are made for this purpose. *hahaha* Bow.

If and only if I can do something…but I know I can't because I strongly believe that everything has its time.

Oh well, as they say…if there’s smoke, there’s definitely a fire! I'm just fortunate enough that I have this bionic sense of feeling! *beams* How can some people be so naive? My goodness! If only they can read my mind, hear my whisper and see what I see/saw... *muwahaha*


Geez, super blind item and such a give away! *chuckles*

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Lazo & Regalado Nuptial

Here are some snapshots of Rolie & Kitine’s wedding. Sorry for the poor quality of the pictures…I’m just so excited to post something that I’ve asked Xave to be behind the cam. *heehee* I guess he somehow did a good job otherwise, I won't be able to post anything here...*wink*

Date: January 8, 2008
Church: Chapelle de Vi
Venue: Fernbrook Gardens

The lovely couple, Rolie & Kitine

That's me in green *wink* while I pin the Veil on Kitine's main veil

The Audio-Video presentation (AVP)

The NEW Mr. & Mrs. Rolie Lazo

The Groom & Bride's grand entrance to the reception area

By the way, I was a secondary sponsor (Veil) for the first time and I was more than willing to take that role for my dear friend, Kitine. I had a blooper though…(I'm really sorry Kitine if I caused you to worry) before the entourage march I broke the straps of my shoes! Argh! I walked down the aisle with my Havaianas High instead! *no choice* I’m still lucky, the open secret was hidden inside my gown. *wink* Mentos!

Lessons learned: (1) never use an old pair of shoes (2) avoid using shoes with tiny/thin straps (3) always bring an extra pair (of shoes) incase of emergency.

Xave and myself greeting the newly weds...

Congratulations and Best Wishes!

P.S. Thanks for the pearl accessories! (as seen in the above photo) *smiles*

P.P.S. Happy birthday to my dear mare, Lizette who is celebrating her special day tomorrow, January 9. I love you mare! BIG hug!

Monday, January 07, 2008


Today is my first day in DELL.

I’m the 12th employee in the company and I guess more people will be on board soon. It’s nice to be working with a smaller group, as they tend to be closer to each other like a family. Something really caught my attention is their camaraderie.

Whew, nice to be in the right place at the right time. *wink*

Another thing that made me pleased is their powder room/washroom. Yes, I know this is just shallow but I really have this thing for nice, huge and clean washrooms. All of my close friends know that! *wink* I hate to compare but I just can’t help it! They have more than enough tissue and paper towels. The liquid soap is ample and the hand drier is working (that’s important). To top that off, they have hand gel dispensers as well. The trash bins are not kadiri as it is covered with plastic to make the disposal easier. They have close bins (you can’t see what’s inside) for litters that should be kept unseen (think sanitary napkins and others). The bins are always empty! Enough said.

There’s no disturbing smell. The building has enough guys to make sure cleanliness is well maintained. From time to time they are cleaning and drying up the washroom. I like washrooms to be always dry.

I have my work area sans my laptop, which is already in transit maybe from Malaysia. It should be here anytime next week.

I had my first conference call (a.k.a. concall) today with my 2 bosses, Mr. BB and Siva (from Malaysia). Oh my, 33 pages of stacks! It was a breeze not because I fully understand them but the discussion was swift! *hahaha* I’m at a lost actually! I had to print out everything and read after.

Mr. BB immediately approached me to see if I’m okay. *blush* My new job is exciting! I love to do start up businesses, from zero to something. I’m not limited to do things. I’m on my own again. This is something I love doing over and over.

Well, that’s it for today.


Sunday, January 06, 2008

Busy Sunday

Today is the last day of my vacation and tomorrow is a start of a new beginning! --- new job, office and colleagues.

However, I will see familiar faces as some of them have been my former colleagues in HP. Information Technology (IT) is just a small world and for sure you’ll bump into each other from time to time.

I’m again having this feeling of awkwardness. Feels like first day of class! *hahaha*

I gotta go and fix my things now.

P.S. I’m having jitters…

Saturday, January 05, 2008

"R U 1 of Us?"

Now, I am! *smiles*

I’ve been a Smart Gold subscriber for many years now. It’s just hard to let go because of the good mobile numbers that Xave and I have. His number is 0xxx-9241388 and mine is 0xxx-9241399. Nice numbers aren’t they? These numbers have sentimental value for us and it’s just so difficult to give them up. I’m actually thinking whether I’d still keep mine or otherwise. Hmmm…

Then, today I made a big switch to Globe! *heehee* and I used our anniversary date as my last 4 digit numbers, 0917-xxx0328. Sooner or later, Xave will give up his number as well and get 0917-xxx0329 which is our wedding date naman *teehee* We are just waiting for our contracts to end.

I’m officially a Globe subscriber now and I got this Nokia E90 phone for FREE! *chuckles*

I will use this unit for a week or so only while waiting for my iPhone to arrive (can’t wait!) then, I will hand this unit over to Xave as requested. Umm… I’m in fact telling him that I’d want to sell this unit and use the moolah to buy my iPhone but all I get is a big frown from him. *haha*

Xave deserves this phone. Surely, he can better maximize the features of this unit than me. *heehee* It's just too big for me and will just add weight to my bags. *grin*

So, tomorrow I'll be sending my new mobile number to all contacts in my phonebook. I'm sorry, I can't post my new number here for privacy reasons. *smiles*

For my friends that are out of the country, I will message you my new number via Friendster, Multiply or YM.

Time for shuteye!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

A Blessing

Here’s my new year pressie that came to our mailbox on the eve of new year.

It’s just so nice to start 2008 right. *wink*

2007 was a good year and I’m looking forward for a better 2008 not just for me but for my family and friends.

I’m determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may be. For I have learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and NOT upon our circumstances.

Be positive. I always believe that a strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug. By changing the inner attitudes of our minds can change the outer aspects of our lives.

Have faith. There's always a reason behind all things, yes ALL THINGS! *wink* You just have to patiently wait for the right time and answers will eventually unfold right before you.

For many times, I've been a witness of this and as much as possible I want other people to strengthen their faith, too. My small way of repaying the good deeds that are coming my way.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

My 8 in 2008

I want to...

1. Spend more time with FAMILY and FRIENDS
A must do’ especially now that I’m getting married soon.

2. HEALTH is Wealth
It’s about time to take extra care of myself. I’m so lazy to take any vitamins/medicines, I can’t stick to it unless really needed. This year, I promise to take all the necessary vitamins to ready myself incase we agree to have a child immediately. Yes, we have to agree because as of this time, I don’t want it yet. This may change along the way so let's just see...

3. Enjoy life MORE
This has always been my life project, enough said.

4. GET OUT of debt
I want to zero-in all my balances in my credit cards within the 1st quarter. 'A must do'!

5. Learn something NEW
Hmm, cooking perhaps.

6. Help OTHERS
This is my lifetime mission.

I have to force myself to get organized! Starting off with my closet --- clothes, shoes, bags, papers/documents, a lot!

I simply want to avoid all the negative things that can turn me into a monster. I will try my best not to be influenced or affected by the emotions of other people.

It’s nice to sleep soundly, with a smile on your face isn't it?

Yey! My first post in 2008! *beams*

Happy 2008!